Support Health the Ayurvedic Way: Explore Your Purpose

While the aim of Yoga is to evolve spiritually and develop awareness in body, energy, mind, and spirit, the goal of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of the organism (aka you) for the sake of longevity. Health and longevity are important because the attainment of enlightened states of mind - or Yoga - takes time and requires as much focus, and little distraction, as possible. 

The Ayurvedic term for health is swastha, which is thought of as being “stable in the Self”. 

One who is situated in Self, who has balanced dosas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person. 

Sushruta Samhita 15/48

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ilana beigel

What does it mean to live yoga? This is one of my favorite inquiries and conversations.

I like to discern what I call ‘little-y’ yoga from ‘big-Y’ Yoga. That thing you do on your mat? Breathing, stretching, maybe sweating: that’s yoga - which I, by no means, am disrespecting. I am eternally grateful for the gifts this physical practice has offered, and I am honored to witness the shifts and teachings it provides the students I guide.

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ilana beigelComment

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing right now - STOP.

  • Relax your jaw and shoulders and soften your gaze

  • Take a big, bright breath in through the nose

  • Hold for just a moment with your lungs full

  • Open your mouth and LET IT GO with a sigh

  • Repeat (as many times as needed so you are fully present in the here and now)

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ilana beigel

A friend/teacher and I were having a conversation just last week about if - no, WHEN - the time comes to have to deal with capital 'L' Life, will all the practice we have done ’be enough'?

And then, as if on cue, I was given a pop quiz - or maybe a pop final exam. Not sure I get that A+ my inner perfectionist always strives for, but I would say I at least passed.

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ilana beigel Comments