Wherever you are, whatever you are doing right now - STOP.

  • Relax your jaw and shoulders and soften your gaze

  • Take a big, bright breath in through the nose

  • Hold for just a moment with your lungs full

  • Open your mouth and LET IT GO with a sigh 

  • Repeat (as many times as needed so you are fully present in the here and now)

Wow. What to even say.

I came across this post on Facebook and I think it sums it up pretty well

(hope you're not offended by swears...)



It is Thursday morning March 19, and for me, day 6 of this "new normal".

In my work as a Speech Therapist in an acute care hospital with adults recovering from stroke, brain injury, etc., I find it helpful for patients and families to stay connected to a timeline - to orient to what is currently happening, when it started, and where in the progression they are now - even and especially when there is no guarantee or knowledge of when it will be 'over'.

So - how long has this been affecting life as you know it? 

Does it support you to stay connected to and remind yourself of this?
If so - make it a practice that grounds and orients. If not - let it go.

Reminders of some other practices that might be helpful:

  • connect with nature

  • move your body

  • eat mostly healthy, nourishing foods - AND - let yourself enjoy and savor the treats and comfort foods that simply make you happy 

  • remember what you are grateful for

  • try this 5 minute breathing exercise

Allow and accept ALL of your emotions and reactions.

Whatever you are feeling is 100% legitimate. It is ok to be mad, scared, anxious, exhausted, overwhelmed, relieved, grateful, energized, etc. 

This does NOT mean it is okay to act from all of these places - yet you can acknowledge and welcome it all as part of your inner landscape. You most likely already know that trying to push it away or pretend it's not there doesn't help.

I am choosing to find silver linings.

It is not something that comes naturally to me - yet I am stepping into it full throttle.

As you may know - I believe 100% + in the power of Yoga - to help maintain calm, connection and compassion (to self and others).

I am called to offer Yoga to more people than I might otherwise.

I am continuing to teach virtually through Serenity Yoga Studio (Friday mornings
9 - 10:15 am EST) - you can find their schedule here.

I will also be sharing tidbits of support, of connection, of inspiration.

If there is something specific that would be helpful or supportive - please reach out and let me know.

Take good care of yourself - STAY HOME - stay safe - stay connected.

ilana beigel